This City Garden is a perfect spot for relaxing - with a formal lawn, seating and a pergola.
Seething Lane Garden features seating, a formal lawn and a pergola, and is located between St Olave Hart Street Church on one side of Seething Lane and 10 Trinity Square on the other.
Discover the history
Seething Lane is where the 17th century diarist, Samuel Pepys, who lived and worked at the Navy Office, wrote much of his diary and witnessed the Great Fire of London.
See if you can spot the carved pavers throughout the garden which refer to the life of Samuel Pepys, including one portraying the parmesan cheese and wine said to be buried in the garden during the Great Fire of London.
The Knollys Rose Ceremony marks an ancient custom dating from 1381. Permission to construct a bridge across Seething Lane at the time led to the annual charge of one red rose from the garden.

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