Family activities
Sign up to our Monthly Family Newsletter to receive information on family-friendly events and activities at Guildhall Art Gallery and London's Roman Amphitheatre. We run regular family activities on the Second Saturday of every month, and special events during school holidays.
In the Gallery, we also provide free family friendly guides for all our special exhibitions, and family bags are available to collect at the front desk to help families engage with our collection during their visit.
Second Saturday
We run themed family events on the Second Saturday of every month. A revolving programme of family activities may have you heading into the Roman Amphitheatre and hearing tales of Roman conquests or creating crafts from the Victorian paintings surrounding you.
A story corner with soft cushions, costumes, and building bricks will also be available.
Our next Second Saturday on 8 March brings you a fun range of crafts and activities. Visit the Second Saturday page to find out more and book your free tickets.
Upcoming dates for the diary:
- Saturday 8 March
Family activities to do at home
Make your own abstract art inspired by Uzo Egonu PDF (973KB)
Date submitted: 1/10/21
Make your own Roman coin PDF (363KB)
Date submitted: 7/04/21
Find out about battling Boudicca PDF (220KB)
Date submitted: 11/03/21
Make your own gladiator mask PDF (306KB)
Date submitted: 11/02/21
Make your own Art Detective Dice PDF (1.6MB)
Date submitted: 8/01/21
Make Your Own Roman Gateway PDF (134KB)
Date submitted: 18/12/20
Make your own Amphitheatre diorama PDF (410KB)
Date submitted: 9/11/20