Visitors can now explore the Guildhall Art Gallery's collections online from a range of different platforms.
London Picture Archive
Over 250,000 images of London are available to the public from the collections at London Metropolitan Archives and Guildhall Art Gallery.
Art Uk
Art Uk is the online home for every public art collection in the UK.
Our entire collection of oil paintings can be accessed at the Guildhall Art Gallery's Art Uk site where you will also be able to find prints and other merchandise.
Smartify is the free mobile guide that allows places to share their collections with the world. Visitors can now discover the stories contained with our paintings on their personal devices with this innovative app available for iOS and Android, or visiting our Guildhall Art Gallery profile online.
Google Arts and Culture
Explore our spaces and online exhibitions to enhance your virtual viewing experience in our Google Arts and Culture website.
Watercolour World
A free database of pre-1900 documentary watercolours from private as well as public collections around the world, where you can also find some of our Guildhall Art Gallery watercolour paintings.